Green Requiem


And a Welcome

And so another blog is formed. The one due to me (known here as Meika) being required to create a blog for my eCulture subject at uni.

The naming of a blog is always something that leaves both new and old blog users grappling around for ideas, attempting to pick the perfect name that is both witty, original and will describe what their blog is about.

I spent the better part of an afternoon/evening, going through all the ideas i had for names. none suited.

And then i happened to be listening to an instrumental song by Joe Hisaishi (a Japanese composer. He has made most of the movie music for Hayao Miyazaki-san's anime, as well as producing an album of his own piano music). the song was called Green Requiem.
Now, i was unsure of what these two words together actually meant. After looking it up in a dictionary (online, of course), i discovered that the word requiem means "the Mass celebrated for the repose of the souls of the dead." it also has another meaning, just slightly different "any musical service, hymn, or dirge for the repose of the dead."
I then decided to also find out the meaning of the word green. One definition is an American slang, meaning money. (And, after looking again just then, I found another definition of green that i like, meaning new, a novice, untrained, inexperienced).

The sub-title of "The death of money" seemed to resound with something i might even hope to touch upon with this blog. Perhaps it will continue after my subject has finished, I am unsure at the present moment.

Look forward to an interesting post on how Google is taking over the world (including this very own blog), which i shall write when i have the leisure.

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At March 02, 2007 11:59 am, Blogger Paxton said...

I, for one, welcome our new Google overlords.


I like the name!    

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