Female Gamers Unite
I am a female gamer. now, i am sure that doesn't mean much to you, unless you know the debate that surrounds females in the gaming world. in today's gaming world, there are many women who play video/computer/console games, which dispels the stereotype that women simply do not game, and that gaming is a male only thing. true, gaming is still a male dominated activity, but there are more and more females who admit to gaming.
unlike 5 or 10 years ago, it is a lot more accepted for a female to play computer games, and there are several websites solely devoted to women who game (female gamers, Lady Gamers, and Girlz Clan are just a few of them.)
there is still a stereotype present that says that girls cant game, or they are bad at it. i, myself, was playing a multi player strategy game (Age of Empires two, the Age of Kings) online with a few male friends, and one of them exclaimed when i defended against an attack "wow! a girl actually did something!" i laughed at that comment simply because i discovered that the stereotype was very much still around.
It seems that computer/video/console games appeal to people of both sexes. and while some males think that girls who game are pretty interesting and exciting (sometimes it would almost be the stereotypical equivalent of a male liking going shopping), and girl who would beat them would be dealing a blow to the guys ego and masculinity. (http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/archives/2007/03/01/news/17537.shtml).
i guess the reason i game is because i enjoy it. i always have played computer games and i don't see me stopping any time soon.
i did a little of my own research, however limited it was, in asking a few of my male gamer friends what they think of female gamers.
one replied "I like them, breaking the mould... seriously, if they enjoy it, then why not?"
another said, "If they can game, then good. I like them, just like I like a guy that games."
the final guy seemed to sum it up, "the conception around female players is that they can't compete as well as their male counterparts in the gaming arena. and yet, when the female player successfully achieves a particular goal or objective, it is treated with greater respect."
unlike 5 or 10 years ago, it is a lot more accepted for a female to play computer games, and there are several websites solely devoted to women who game (female gamers, Lady Gamers, and Girlz Clan are just a few of them.)
there is still a stereotype present that says that girls cant game, or they are bad at it. i, myself, was playing a multi player strategy game (Age of Empires two, the Age of Kings) online with a few male friends, and one of them exclaimed when i defended against an attack "wow! a girl actually did something!" i laughed at that comment simply because i discovered that the stereotype was very much still around.
It seems that computer/video/console games appeal to people of both sexes. and while some males think that girls who game are pretty interesting and exciting (sometimes it would almost be the stereotypical equivalent of a male liking going shopping), and girl who would beat them would be dealing a blow to the guys ego and masculinity. (http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/archives/2007/03/01/news/17537.shtml).
i guess the reason i game is because i enjoy it. i always have played computer games and i don't see me stopping any time soon.
i did a little of my own research, however limited it was, in asking a few of my male gamer friends what they think of female gamers.
one replied "I like them, breaking the mould... seriously, if they enjoy it, then why not?"
another said, "If they can game, then good. I like them, just like I like a guy that games."
the final guy seemed to sum it up, "the conception around female players is that they can't compete as well as their male counterparts in the gaming arena. and yet, when the female player successfully achieves a particular goal or objective, it is treated with greater respect."