Oh the Evils of Youth Culture
after reading the article by David Kupelian, i was a little shocked and offended about his scathing report on the evils of youth culture.
it is true that he is mainly talking about american youth culture, but i feel that it has been generalised to be all western youth. apart from the fact that Kupelian tangents off from specific youth culture, to talk more generally about, what he sees as the evils of modern american people, he is still very adamant about the youth he see being evil and depraved.
while, initially, i wanted to disregard everything he said as a fundamentalist republican extreme right winger, the article (and part one of the article too) does express his views.
his main contention with the article is to say that todays youth culture are doing whatever they feel like... and not really caring about the consequences. grouping genital and breast peircing with ear and nose peircing. tounge splitting, suspension and scaring your body with tatooing. satanism (worshipping satan) and 'bug catching' (that is, having sex with people with AIDS, in order to get the disease) with the islamic jihad.
he claims that the way out, the way to preserve the good "true American culture" is to create a subculture of your own. and the way to do this, is to home school your children. i must admit, that i laughed out loud when i read that. you can try and remove and protect your children from the world, but they will alweays be affected by it.
i wont really go into the whole christian debate, apart from state that not all christians hold views like Kupelian. His is a very right wing, extreme fundamentalist view... and indeed, he is entitled to hold it.
perhaps that is something that is part of our current youth culture. the supposed willingness to accept other peoples views as their own, as long as they don't try and force it onto anyone else. the current youth culture has access to the most information, different views, beliefs, world understandings than any generation before it. we might not follow in our parents or grandparents footsteps any more, but we are paving our own way forward.
or perhaps, i too, have been brainwashed by the evils of youth culture into taking on a more optimistic, utopian view of present reality. we, as a culture, have a lot of flaws, but i don't think that yearning back to the past is any way to move forward. which is what Kupelian seems to be suggesting.
it is true that he is mainly talking about american youth culture, but i feel that it has been generalised to be all western youth. apart from the fact that Kupelian tangents off from specific youth culture, to talk more generally about, what he sees as the evils of modern american people, he is still very adamant about the youth he see being evil and depraved.
while, initially, i wanted to disregard everything he said as a fundamentalist republican extreme right winger, the article (and part one of the article too) does express his views.
his main contention with the article is to say that todays youth culture are doing whatever they feel like... and not really caring about the consequences. grouping genital and breast peircing with ear and nose peircing. tounge splitting, suspension and scaring your body with tatooing. satanism (worshipping satan) and 'bug catching' (that is, having sex with people with AIDS, in order to get the disease) with the islamic jihad.
he claims that the way out, the way to preserve the good "true American culture" is to create a subculture of your own. and the way to do this, is to home school your children. i must admit, that i laughed out loud when i read that. you can try and remove and protect your children from the world, but they will alweays be affected by it.
i wont really go into the whole christian debate, apart from state that not all christians hold views like Kupelian. His is a very right wing, extreme fundamentalist view... and indeed, he is entitled to hold it.
perhaps that is something that is part of our current youth culture. the supposed willingness to accept other peoples views as their own, as long as they don't try and force it onto anyone else. the current youth culture has access to the most information, different views, beliefs, world understandings than any generation before it. we might not follow in our parents or grandparents footsteps any more, but we are paving our own way forward.
or perhaps, i too, have been brainwashed by the evils of youth culture into taking on a more optimistic, utopian view of present reality. we, as a culture, have a lot of flaws, but i don't think that yearning back to the past is any way to move forward. which is what Kupelian seems to be suggesting.